Tag: Criticism

4 Ways To Know If You’re A Critical Person

I have really been on a criticism kick lately.  Not giving it out like candy on halloween...but considering the idea of criticism.  I feel like I've noticed that we have grown more critical over the last several years.  And we chalk it up to "being helpful" or simply "expecting higher standards." But the reality that I've noticed is that much of the criticism I see and hear comes from a place of selfishness and personal preferences rather than a place of general good and helping someone or something move to a place of greater effectiveness or impact. And I'm as...

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Flashback Friday – December 19, 2014

After taking a week off last Friday, here is the latest Flashback Friday!!  Do you struggle to receive compliments or words of encouragement?  Yeah, me neither.  :)  But here's a post I wrote last year on the truth behind compliments: "Tim, here's a raise."  "Tim, here's a bonus."  "Tim, your annual performance review is exemplary."  "Tim, you did an excellent job on that project."  "Tim, great job saving that baby from the house that was on fire." Ok, that last one may not be entirely true... But, I struggle to fully accept compliments and pats on the back.  When they...

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How To Turn Your Biggest Critic Into Your Biggest Fan

Years ago, I worked at an organization where I stepped into a situation that was not in my favor.  I was following a leader who had been there for years and was dearly loved by his team.  It was my responsibility to take over for him, not mess up the wonderful results that he had achieved, and take the team to the next level.  I wasn't a new leader and I was confident in my ability to achieve results.  I was excited for the opportunity and ready to get to work. Then, I met the team. This team was loyal...

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