Tag: management

The Case In Favor Of Micro-Management

Micro-management is a bad word in business today.  Leaders and managers alike are disowning the word like it's a bad disease.  It's a common word that disgruntled employees will use when leaving a company.  And, in reality, it is a bad thing....mostly. But, I want to submit to you that there are some times that a leader should utilize this technique to leading those around him/her.  I would never go as far as to say that it's ok for a person to micro-manage the team.  In fact, apart from the times listed below, I would say that it is never...

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The One Difference Between Dating And Hiring

I have hired employees for almost 18 years now.  In fact, I hired my wife to work for me.  That's right, I used to be my wife's boss!!  She hated me...  She tells the story often that I was the worst boss she ever worked for...she may be right! It was back in 1997 and we weren't married.  She and I had went to school together since I was in 2nd grade - but we didn't know each other.  Well, I knew who she was, but she didn't know me at all.  Her resume came across my desk and I knew...

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