Tag: Pastors

Guest Post on FaithDrivenBusiness.com

Last week, I was honored to have another guest post.  This time it was on the Faith Driven Business website.  If you're not familiar with this great organization, here's some more information taken from their website: "Faith Driven Business is a training network for Christian entrepreneurs building amazing businesses. We’re your go-to resource for all your business needs, from start-up, all the way to success. You’ll pick up the latest social media tips and the secrets to sustaining your business–and sustaining your faith–through triumphs and struggles. Entrepreneurs never fail intentionally. They have limited time, limited dollars, and limited access to the right people, resources, and...

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Guest Post on CatalystConference.com

Last week, I was honored to have a guest post published on CatalystConference.com.  If you're not familiar with the Catalyst Conference, here is a description of their history and current mission (from catalystconference.com/about-us): "Catalyst was conceived as a Next Generation Leaders Conference in 1999 by Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner, John Maxwell, Lanny Donoho and several young leaders. Catalyst was created to meet the felt need that existed within the church leader space for a leadership event that was focused on a new generation of church leaders. Everything within this space seemed built around a forty to sixty year old mindset...

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3 Relationships Every Pastor Must Have

Although being a pastor is a high calling, a privilege, and an honor to serve those that you shepherd, it is easy to feel like you’re all alone.  It’s difficult for a pastor to be transparent with their struggles and shortfalls and often relationships that pastors do have can easily turn from friendships to counseling situations.  Pastors can feel like they live in a glass house and that they have to work hard to have privacy and appropriate boundaries around their lives. But, I believe it’s vitally important for pastors to have 3 very distinct types of relationships in order...

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