Tag: Relationships

Honoring Your Wife

We made it.  Another Valentine’s Day!  It seems as though it’s been at least a year since the last one.  But, we’re here… This is one of those days that men dread.  I mean we love the holiday and the meaning behind it, but there’s all kind of pressure to do something special for your wife – take her out for a nice (expensive) dinner, buy her roses and candy, take her on some kind of special trip out of town.  And there are many men that will do those things today and do them well.  But, there are also...

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3 Relationships Every Pastor Must Have

Although being a pastor is a high calling, a privilege, and an honor to serve those that you shepherd, it is easy to feel like you’re all alone.  It’s difficult for a pastor to be transparent with their struggles and shortfalls and often relationships that pastors do have can easily turn from friendships to counseling situations.  Pastors can feel like they live in a glass house and that they have to work hard to have privacy and appropriate boundaries around their lives. But, I believe it’s vitally important for pastors to have 3 very distinct types of relationships in order...

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